
Kusum is an ordinary Indian 14-year-old girl. She lives in Delhi, goes to school and plans her future. Until she falls ill. Kusum quits eating, isolates and gets difficult fits of rage. Evil spirits have attacked the family, says Bhagat, an experienced healer. The family testes western medicine at first, but then settles upon the traditional Indian spiritual healing with Bhagat. It’s a long road, the spirits are not easy opponents..


Original name Kusum
Original language Hindi
Subtitles English
Genre Documentary
Production year 2000
Production country Finland
Running time 72 min


Direction Jouko Aaltonen (also scriptwriter)
Script Jouko Aaltonen
Cinematography Marita Hällfors
Sound recording Jouko Aaltonen
Sound design Martti Turunen (YLE)
Editing Tuula Mehtonen
Translation Fazaan Wadia & Veetrag Gobinathan
Production manager Farzaan Wadia
Producer Pertti Veijalainen
Scientific counselor Antti Pakaslahti
Syncronizer Jouni Hiltunen
Mixing Olli Pärnänen, SES-Sound
Color grading Timo Nousiainen, Finn-Lab Oy
Production secretary & accountant Irmeli Junni

Screenings and awards


  • 01.01.2007 Kettupäivät Finnish Short Film Festival 2001: Best Documentary, State Quality Support, Espoo Cine 2001 and Viscult 2007 / Finland (Best documentary film)
  • 01.01.2005 Bilan du Film Ethnographique: Commendation and Finnish Institute in Paris 2005 / France (Honorary Mention)
  • 01.01.2005 Finnish Institute in Paris 2005
  • 01.01.2003 The Reel Madness Film Festival 2003, London
  • 01.01.2002 DokumentART, Neubrandenburg (First Prize)
  • 01.01.2002 Astra Film Fest 2002, Romania
  • 01.01.2001 State quality support
  • 01.01.2001 Pärnu documentary and anthropological film festival (First Prize)
  • 01.01.2001 NAFA festivals
  • 01.01.2001 Nordisk Panorama
  • 01.01.2001 Taiwan anthropological film festival
  • 01.01.2001 Espoo Cine 2001
  • 01.01.2001 Royal Anthropological Institute Festival (2nd Commendation)
  • 01.01.2001 State Quality Support


  • Pertti Veijalainen, Illume Oy

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