Constructing and Destroying

The fourth part of Teitten Tarinat –series about road maintenance during the Winter War and the Continuation War. In a war, roads and bridges are both constructed and destroyed, several times at the worst. This is just what happened in the eastern border of Finland. Roads and bridges were destroyed, reconstructed, destroyed again and once again reconstructed. Sometimes it was the enemy who destroyed them, but often also the Finnish troops while withdrawing. The condition of the roads was important for both maintenance of the army and other traffic. Ammunition was taken to the front and the injured brought back. Sometimes the evacuees filled up the roads. The roads were in hard use. In the film, men who constructed and maintained the roads near the front tell their experiences. While the army was withdrawing, the roadmen saw their own troops destroy the results of their hard work. The war has its own absurd logic.


Original name Rakenna ja tuhoa
Original language Finnish
Subtitles Finnish
Genre Documentary / Teitten Tarinat -series
Production year 1998
Production country Finland
Running time 29 min


Direction Jouko Aaltonen (also scriptwriter)
Cinematography Pertti Veijalainen
Sound recording Tapio Kalliomäki
Sound design Martti Kuortti
Composer Heikki Valpola
Editing Jouko Aaltonen
Graphic Tatu Berggren
Expert Anssi Vuorenmaa, Kimmo Antila, Kirsi Salonen
On-Line-editing Liisa Hurme
Mixing Veijo Lehti
Production Secretary Pirkko Hirn


  • Pertti Veijalainen, Illume Oy

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