Kilometreittäin työtä

A part of the Teitten Tarinat – series. Until the 1960’s, road construction was the most important handmaid of employment policy. The unemployed were put to work. Also The Finnish national road 1, the Tarvontie motorway has been constructed that way 1956 - 1961. The site huts became familiar to thousands of men from all over Finland. The conditions were poor, but there was not much choice. The site resembled a little town; there were workers, master craftsmen, stokers..and also their own police and a jail. There were a variety of persons and stories: who was fired, who remained as a road constructor, who became a Minister of Transport and Communications later. The film is not only a story about the Tarvontie motorway, but also one of the men who constructed it.


Original name Kilometreittäin työtä
Original language Finnish
Genre Documentary / Teitten Tarinat -series
Production year 1997
Production country Finland
Running time 38 min


Direction Jouko Aaltonen (also scriptwriter)
Cinematography Pertti Veijalainen
Sound recording Jouni Hiltunen & Timo Räikkönen
Sound design Matti Kuortti
Composer Heikki Valpola
Editing Jouni Hiltunen
Camera assistant Timo Räikkönen
Script supervisor Pirkko Hirn
Expert Marko Nenonen
Music recorder Tipi Tuovinen


  • Pertti Veijalainen, Illume Oy

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